Windows 8 computer crash

My Windows 8 Dell computer crashed this morning, and it would not restart properly. Eventually, I had to “refresh” my computer. The computer was reset to what it was like one week ago, and then it worked properly. I had to re-install a few programs that had been installed recently, including Google Chrome. Minecraft, Steam, Civilization 6, The Sandbox Evolution and Firefox had not been deleted when I “refreshed” the computer after the crash, but they were not the most recent version; they had been “downgraded.” I had to update them to get the most recent software back on my computer. My clock was also set back by five hours and I had to adjust it.

However, I was unable to re-install NVIDIA, which was removed from my computer when I “refreshed” it. The download link I used to install it before has disappeared, and althhough there are other download links, they don’t work on my computer for some reason. NVIDIA makes programs run faster, especially computer games, so some of my games might lag a bit now, but at least everything still works.

This crash proves that it is important to back up files on your computer, just in case there is a crash. I have synced all of my browsers by turning on syncing on Firefox and creating a Google account to sign in to Chrome. Syncing browsers means you have the same bookmarks, settings and history on all of the devices connected to the sync, but it also stores a copy of your bookmarks online so that you won’t lose any data in a crash. My dad also wrote a computer program on Cygwin for me, which backs up my important files like documents, stories, pictures and videos. Because of these programs, I didn’t lose any important information. Backing up your files is always a good idea and I reccomend it.

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