But How Would I Know (Part 3)

The third post in the But How Would I Know series.

It started with But How Would I Know.

It continued with But How Would I Know part 2.

And now it is ending.

We finally reached the Tower. The sun rose in the sky really fast. The reason was because the cats in Cat Heaven liked to take regular catnaps rather than having a whole day awake and a whole night asleep. Each Cat Heaven “day” was only a few hours, but the cats at the Tower still used Earth time because it would be easier for us. Of course, portal technology was strange. An Earth day in Cat Heaven was a few seconds on Earth, and one day spent on Earth was only a few seconds in Cat Heaven.

Running up the spiral staircase, we reached the top.

“Hello,” said Meowima, the cat god, for it was he who lived at the top of the tower. “Here’s the cheese! Time to get the mice out!”

We ran back down the stairs with the cheese and continued running across the pillows. Soon, mice began to chase us. Then the first cats woke and joined the chase. It was very fun!

“This is awesome!” Yelled Frank.

“Yeah, definitely!” I called back.

Eventually, the sun set again and we went back through the portal and spent the rest of the day playing games at Frank’s house. Then his parents came home and it was time to go. When I got home, my mum asked me if I’d had any fun at Frank’s place.

“It was awesome,” I said. If only she knew just how awesome it was.

The End.

But How Would I Know (Part 2)

The sequel to But How Would I Know

For a few seconds, all I could see was purple, because that was the color of the portal. Then I was thrown out of the purple mist and landed on the soft ground. The ground in Cat Heaven was made of cushions, because the cats liked to sleep on soft things. Of course, we could spend as long as we liked here, because when we got back, only a few seconds would have passed.

But we couldn’t waste time. We had a job to do in Cat Heaven. We both got paid five dollars a day to run through Cat Heaven every afternoon at 12:30 with some cheese. The local mice would chase the cheese and all the dead cats in Cat Heaven would run after it. I saw the Tower of Angel Cats in the distance.

“Come on, let’s go!” I yelled

“Race you to the Tower!” Called Frank as he started to run. I followed him.

To be continued… (Again!)

100 word challenge (But How Would I Know)

“We’ll meet here at nine AM on Saturday,” said Frank.

“Okay,” I said, “but how will I know when Tiny Tim and your parents leave the house?” Tim was Frank’s baby brother. He liked to get us into trouble.

“Don’t worry, I’ll send you a message in morse code,” he replied.

At nine, I crept to his house. Frank’s parents were off delivering Tim to daycare. I saw Frank’s torch shining and met him in the front yard.

“Is the portal ready?”

“Yes. Are you ready?”

“More than ever!”

“Then let’s go!” Frank grinned.

Wordlessly, we dived into the portal.

To be continued…