New superpowers meme

I made a new superopowers meme today.

You have to pick up several heavy objects and carry them for a long distance. You can choose one superpower to help you pick up and carry the objects. Which superpower do you choose? This meme shows which answers are smarter:

Which answer would you choose? I would choose the last one, what about you? Do you think the last one is really the smartest option? Comment and tell me your opinion!

Showcase Review

At my school we recently had a showcase, which is a sort of production. I was asked to reflect on the showcase and how I had behaved in it on an app called Powtoon. At first, it looked like another version of PowerPoint but I soon realised that it could create a video with all my information in it. I finished my showcase review and it turned out to be very good. It’s a bit fast so you might have to pause to read the information. Here it is: