The man with a phone: Part 1

Today I am going to write a story on my blog. The story will be in several parts and I will write one part every day.

The story starts here:

The Man with a Phone

One day, Tim was walking to his friend’s house. They were going to have a sleepover and play lots of Minecraft. Then he saw a tall, thin man on the pavement in front of him, who was staring at his phone. Tim crept up behind the man and realised he was playing Pokemon Go. Suddenly, a wild Pikachu appeared! The man tapped on the tiny, yellow Pokemon. It was shiny!

The man looked at his watch. “Oh no, I’m going to be late for work,” he said. To Tim’s horror, the man started crossing the road and throwing pokeballs at the Pikachu at the same time! A car was coming towards the man, too.

“Watch out!” Tim yelled. But it was hopeless. The man was staring at his screen.

“Yes! I caught it! My first shiny!” He exclaimed. Then he looked away from his screen and saw the car. He screamed, and the car hit him, knocking him to the ground. The car drove over him, smashing his phone in half. When it had gone, Tim hurried over to the man.

“Are you okay?” He asked. There was no reply. He looked around and saw another car coming. Thinking quickly, he dragged the man and his broken phone back onto the pavement and dialed 111.

To Be Continued…

I will write part two tomorrow!

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