Night Sky: Stars, Wind and Clouds

At school, we recently did a music project where we made music on Soundtrap to go with a video that is given to you by the teachers. Basically, you are making background music for the video. We had three videos to choose from and I chose a video of the night sky. I have embedded the video onto my blog so you can watch the video and listen to the music I made for it. Here it is:

Enjoy the video!

Space story finished

I finished writing my space story. It is on my Stories page. It is 42 pages long, the longest story I have ever written! It’s nearly twice as long as the other big stories I have written previously: The Midnight Revolution (26 pages) and The Adventures of Team Infinity (24 pages.) The story includes aliens and three ideas about how humans should live. And there might be a couple of wars and a few deaths. Read it and see for yourself!

Space story coming soon

I am currently writing a story set in space with aliens. I will put it on the Stories page and inform you with another post when I am done. While I am working on the story, there will be less blog posts. If you have missed some of my other posts, now is a good time to blast off in your rocket and catch up with what has been going on on Blueberry Post! 🚀🚀🚀🚀🚀

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